Sunday, June 29, 2008


.. seems like I'd have to give an intro, (quite a hyped term in kgp, where I study) btw, there is a lot to talk about this term, will get back to it a li'l later.

Well, I am an 18 year old girl from Chandigarh, India, studying biotechnology at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, kgp. I am going to be a college sophomore now and right now I'm spending my summer holidays at home.
But anyway, who wants to know all this. Now since this post has been titled "about", (suggested by one of my friends at Kharagpur, read mikesh), I've figured out that the best attempt towards describing myself would be answering some of the frequently, and some not so frequently asked questions to me when people first meet me. So, here it goes.

FAQs about myself :

1. Are you a Punjabi? like people who keep turbans, a la Santa-Banta?
Ans. Yes and No. Yes, I am a Punjabi. And that's because I belong to Chandigarh which is in Punjab. No, because what you are talking of are "Sikhs" , and there is difference between the two terms. Being a Punjabi n being a Sikh are like two overlapping sets which are quite different otherwise.

2. Do you keep studying for hours, in IIT?
Ans. No. For God's sake, NO!
(no further comments)

3. Are you a party person/nerdyish?
Ans. A mix of both. Actually, a bit partial to the nerd cliche. :P ( We call it maggu here, here means kgp, which refers to a person who can study even without being forced to do so. )

4. Are you at ease with making new friends?
Ans. Not really. People usually have to make some efforts to start over a conversation. Though my friends say that once I'm friends, I have the capability to talk endlessly, (can be a real headache sometimes). Still, first meetings are not really memorable. One of my friends once remarked that I scare guys! I have been trying to be thoda receptive and polite since then. :P

5. What do you do in your free time?
Ans. I waste it. That's my favorite. I would most probably chat or watch movies, HIMYM, etc. sometimes listen to music.

6. Are you the girl/woman who would always fuss about respecting women, relationships and won't spare even a single chance to argue over who's better, et al?
Ans. Unfortunately, I am.

7. If given a chance, would you run away from IIT?
Ans. Naah. I love this place called kgp. It has given me my life's most cherished moments in the very first year. And ofcourse, the FRIENDS.

hey, it got really late, will continue later.


Unknown said...

completely second the last answer .. waiting for the rest of it ..

Unknown said...

refreshing.. great theory of punjabi origin tho..

elisha_007 said...

thanks guys.
another question

mikesh: you mentioned u are fussy about those things
in fact u said "Unfortunately, I am" ... why "unfortunately"?

me: from my experience,
how people usually take it
so, beware!

mikesh: only thieves would have to beware of guards .. not guests

me: :)

akshay said...

nice work.. must day a bit diplomatic.. but true!! well said abt being nerdish :P

Abhishek said...

nice one yaar,,,...

really liked ur part the partial maggu---->>>>
compre last sem n this one ppl

Asmit Bhowmick said...

Good one,I guess you won't be leaving kgp anytime soon(dc ka socho :D),although you would be missing out on some yum foodand chocolates :P.And yes,HIMYM is okay but K rocks!!!!...Waiting for some more FAQs if I may call it!! :)

elisha_007 said...

HIMYM rocks! :D